Joelle : Consequences of the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict

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Joelle : Consequences of the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict by Mind Map: Joelle : Consequences of the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict

1. Loss of investment from other countries

1.1. Many countries stopped investing in Sri Lanka due to the instability.

2. Unenployment

2.1. The riots in 1938 led to massive unemployment. A Large number of the jobless were Sinhalese.

3. Fall in the number of tourist

3.1. Tourism affected, was one of Sri Lanka's major income earners.

3.1.1. Resulted in loss of jobs and fall in earnings, Limited funds for the country

4. Economic

5. Displacement

5.1. Sri Lankan Tamils driven out of their homeland

6. Armed Conflict

6.1. Tamils made peaceful demands however they were ignored, hence Tamils believed that the only way to demand and obtain their rights.

6.1.1. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was formed.

7. Foreign Intervention

7.1. India acted as a mediator in the 1983 riots but failed

7.1.1. Sri Lanka signed a peace accord with India in the 1987

8. Political

9. Social