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ATL Skills by Mind Map: ATL Skills

1. Self-Management Skills

1.1. Manage my behavior

1.1.1. My behavior

1.1.2. My mouth

1.2. Manage my work

1.2.1. Focus and complete on time

1.2.2. Pride in my work

1.2.3. Put supplies away

2. Research Skills

2.1. Learning new information

2.2. Observing using all senses

2.3. Planning

2.4. Organizing

3. Social Skills

3.1. Taking Responsibility

3.2. Respecting Others

3.3. Cooperating in a group

3.4. Resolving conflicts by listening to others and being fair

4. Communication Skills

4.1. Listen to others

4.2. Speak clearly , expressing ideas clearly and stating opinions

5. Thinking Skills

5.1. Learning New information

5.2. Understanding

5.3. Sharing what you learned

5.4. Think before you act