
aya ebrahim ayoubamira khaled elshoryengy makram ebrahim

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c++ by Mind Map: c++

1. features

1.1. structured

1.2. rich library

1.3. object oriented

1.4. simple

1.5. faster

1.6. compiler based

1.7. portable

2. program structured

2.1. sequence

2.1.1. cout statement

2.2. loop

2.2.1. Do while loop

2.2.2. while statement

2.2.3. for statement

2.3. selection

2.3.1. if statement

2.4. sub program

2.4.1. main function

2.4.2. cube function

2.4.3. square function

3. modifiers/data types

3.1. signed

3.1.1. integer

3.1.2. char

3.1.3. long.prefix

3.2. un signed

3.2.1. integer

3.2.2. char

3.2.3. short.prefix

3.3. long

3.3.1. integer/double

3.4. short

3.4.1. integer

4. libraries

4.1. <iostream>

5. 0perations

5.1. arthmetic

5.1.1. +/-/*/%

5.2. relational

5.3. logical

5.4. bitwise

5.5. size of

5.6. assignment

6. analysis

6.1. resources

6.2. synthesis

7. dis advantages

7.1. can not support garbage pickup

7.2. does not support dynamic memory allocation

7.3. no support for threads built