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c++ by Mind Map: c++

1. features

1.1. Simple

1.2. High-level programming language

1.3. Popular

1.4. Compiler-Based

1.5. Case sensitive.

1.6. OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)

1.7. Platform or Machine Independent/ Portable

1.8. DMA (Dynamic Memory Allocation)

1.9. Existence of Libraries

1.10. Speed

2. Application

2.1. Graphical User Interface

2.2. Operating Systems

2.3. Web Browsers

2.4. Database Management System

2.5. Libraries

2.6. Job Opportunities

2.7. Cloud Computing and Distributed Applications

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of C++

3.1. Advantages

3.1.1. Portability

3.1.2. Object-oriented

3.1.3. Multi-paradigm

3.2. Disadvantages

3.2.1. Use of Pointers

3.2.2. Security Issue

3.2.3. Absence of Garbage Collector

4. Class and Object

4.1. Significance of class in C++

4.2. Syntax of a class

4.3. Creating reference of class members

4.4. Array within a class

4.5. Types of objects in C++

4.6. Types of class functions

5. program structure

5.1. sequence

5.1.1. cout statements

5.2. loop

5.2.1. do while statement

5.2.2. while statement

5.2.3. for statement

5.3. selection

5.3.1. if statement

5.4. subprogram

5.4.1. main function

5.4.2. cube function

5.4.3. square function

6. Types of constructor

6.1. default constructor

6.2. parametrized constructor

6.3. copy constructor

6.4. constructor with default arguments

6.5. overloaded constructor

7. Virtual Function

7.1. Rules

7.2. Significance

7.3. Example

8. Inline Function

8.1. Advantages

8.2. Limitations

8.3. implementation

9. Friend functions

9.1. Syntax

9.1.1. Declaration

9.1.2. Definition

9.2. Implementation

9.2.1. 1. Implementation through a method of another class

9.2.2. Implementation through Global Friends

9.3. Characteristics

10. Vector

10.1. Example

10.2. Importance

10.3. Data Manipulation Operations

10.4. Functions Correlated

11. Interfaces

11.1. Pure Virtual Functions

11.2. Importance of Interfaces

11.3. Rules Associated with Interfaces

12. Tokens

12.1. Character Set

12.2. Keywords

12.3. Constants

12.4. Strings

12.5. Special Symbols

12.6. Operators

13. Template

13.1. Importance

13.2. Types of Template

13.2.1. Function Templates

13.2.2. Class Templates