
student: 1-karim mohamed abdelaziz goda section 122-Rafat mohamed abdeltawab mohamed Section 73-karim emad hassan ali section 12

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1. c++ basic

1.1. Basic Syntax

1.2. Loop Types


1.4. Recursion

1.5. Data Types

1.6. Variable Types

1.7. Operators

1.8. Functions

1.9. Arrays

1.10. Strings

1.11. Pointers

1.12. References

1.13. Basic Input/Output

1.14. Data Structures

2. Data Types

2.1. bool

2.2. char

2.3. int

2.4. float

2.5. double

2.6. void

3. Operators

3.1. Arithmetic Operators

3.1.1. +

3.1.2. -

3.1.3. /

3.1.4. *

3.1.5. %

3.1.6. ++

3.1.7. --

3.2. Relational Operators

3.2.1. ==

3.2.2. !=

3.2.3. <

3.2.4. >

3.2.5. <=

3.2.6. >=

3.3. Logical Operators

3.3.1. &&

3.3.2. ||

4. Applications

4.1. Gui

4.2. operating systems

4.3. web browsers

4.4. DBMS

4.5. libraries

4.6. cloud computing

5. Features

5.1. Simple

5.2. Mid-level

5.3. Structured

5.4. Memory Management

5.5. Fast Speed

5.6. Object Oriented

5.7. Compiler based

5.8. Pointers

5.9. Recursion

5.10. Extensible

6. Advantages

6.1. Easily identifies trends and patterns

6.2. No human intervention needed

6.3. Continuous Improvement

6.4. Handling multi-dimensional and multi-variety data

6.5. Wide Applications

7. Disadvantages

7.1. Data Acquisition

7.2. Time and Resources

7.3. Interpretation of Results

7.4. High error-susceptibility

8. Object Oriented

8.1. job opporunities

8.2. Classes and Objects

8.3. Inheritance

8.4. Overloading

8.5. Polymorphism

8.6. Data Abstraction

8.7. Data Encapsulation

8.8. Interfaces

9. Functions

9.1. Function Types

9.2. Function Overloading

9.3. Default Arguments

9.4. Storage Class

9.5. Return by Reference

10. structures

10.1. Structure and Function

10.2. Pointers to Structure

10.3. Enumeration

10.4. Linked Lists.

10.5. Stacks

10.6. Queues

11. Array

11.1. Declaring Arrays

11.2. Declaring Arrays

11.3. Multidimensional Arrays