
Norhan sameh ali ..... sec 20 naira saieed hassan ... sec 20 Ahmed Fawzii Attia .. sec 2

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Python by Mind Map: Python

1. Features

1.1. Easy to learn

1.2. Easy to use

1.3. Fast to develop

1.4. Open source , Highly readable

1.5. High-level interpreted

1.6. support opject_oriented style

2. Data Types

2.1. Mapping Type

2.1.1. Dict

2.2. Numeric Types

2.2.1. Int

2.2.2. Float

2.2.3. Complex

2.3. Sequence types

2.3.1. List

2.3.2. Tuple

2.3.3. Range

2.4. Set Type

2.4.1. Set

2.4.2. Frozen Set

2.5. Text Type

2.5.1. Str

2.6. Boolen Type

2.6.1. Bool

3. Operators

3.1. Arithmetic Operators

3.1.1. +

3.1.2. -

3.1.3. *

3.1.4. /

3.2. Assignment Operator

3.2.1. =

3.2.2. +=

3.2.3. -=

3.2.4. *=

3.2.5. /=

3.3. Relational Operator

3.3.1. <

3.3.2. <=

3.3.3. >

3.3.4. >=

3.3.5. !=

3.3.6. ==

3.4. Bitwise Operator

3.4.1. &

3.4.2. ^

3.4.3. <<

3.4.4. >>

3.5. Logical Operators

3.5.1. AND

3.5.2. OR

3.5.3. NOT

3.6. Identity Operators

3.6.1. IS

3.6.2. Is NOT

4. Libraires

4.1. Numpy

4.2. Scipy

4.3. Scrapy

4.4. Keras

4.5. Matplotlib


5.1. Web Development

5.1.1. Django

5.1.2. Flask

5.2. Machine Learning

5.3. Network Programming

5.4. Games and 3D Graphics

5.5. Web Scrapping

5.6. Desktop GUI