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Swift by Mind Map: Swift

1. Expressions

1.1. Binary

1.2. Prefix

1.3. Primary

1.4. Postifix

2. Lexical structure

2.1. Literal

2.2. operator

2.3. Keyword

2.4. Punctutation

2.5. Identifier

2.6. Whitespace and comments

3. Attributes

3.1. Declaration

3.2. type

4. Declarations

4.1. Introduce

4.1.1. Function-methods

4.1.2. Variable-constants

4.2. Define new

4.2.1. Named enumeration

4.2.2. Structure

4.2.3. Class

4.2.4. Protocol types

4.3. Extend behavior

4.4. Import symbols

5. types

5.1. Named types

5.1.1. Classes

5.1.2. Structure

5.1.3. Enumeretions

5.1.4. Protocols

5.2. compound type

5.2.1. Function

5.2.2. Tuble

6. Statments

6.1. Simple

6.1.1. Expresion

6.1.2. Decleration

6.1.3. Expresion

6.2. Compiler control

6.2.1. Conditional compliation block

6.2.2. line control statment

6.3. Control flow

6.3.1. Loop statments

6.3.2. Branch statments

6.3.3. Control transfer statments

7. Patterns

7.1. Expression-Pattern

7.2. type-casting-pattern

7.3. optional-pattern

7.4. Enum-case-pattern

7.5. Tuble-pattern type-annotion opt

7.6. Value-binding-pattern

7.7. identifier-pattern type annotion opt

7.8. Wildcard-pattern type-annotion opt

8. Generic parameters and arguments

8.1. Generic types

8.2. Fuctions

8.3. initializers