
Rofaida yehya Zakaria /Salma Mohmoud Abd Alhalem (Sec 7)

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C++ by Mind Map: C++

1. Sequence

1.1. cout statement

1.2. cin statement

2. The basics

2.1. #<incloud iostearm>

2.2. int main()

2.3. return 0

2.4. branch

2.5. semi colon

3. Loop

3.1. while statement

3.2. for statement

3.3. do while statement

3.4. Nasted loop

4. condition

4.1. if statement

4.2. if -else statement

4.3. if else -if statement

5. Data Type

5.1. integer

5.1.1. 4byte

5.2. Double

5.2.1. 8byte

5.3. float

5.3.1. 4byte

5.4. char

5.4.1. 1byte

5.5. bool

5.5.1. 1byte

5.6. long

5.6.1. 4byte

6. Switch

6.1. Case statement

6.2. Default statement

7. Array

7.1. one dimension

7.1.1. Declaration

7.1.2. Initialization

7.2. Two dimension

7.2.1. Declration

7.2.2. initialization

7.3. Character Array

8. Pointers

8.1. address operator

8.2. Indirection

9. Object Oriented Programming(oop)

9.1. string

9.2. classes

10. Arithmetic operaters

10.1. +

10.2. -

10.3. *

10.4. /

10.5. %

11. Functions

11.1. Syntax

11.2. implementation

11.3. characteristics

12. Features

12.1. high-level

12.2. simple

12.3. case sensitive

12.4. Compiler-based

12.5. fast

13. Variable

13.1. numeric Constants

13.1.1. int

13.1.2. float

13.1.3. real

13.2. Character Constants

13.2.1. Single

13.2.2. String