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1. Presntoons made

1.1. dates

1.2. exports

1.2.1. YouTube

1.2.2. File

1.2.3. player page

2. finance

2.1. payments

2.1.1. dates

2.1.2. amount

3. dashboard

3.1. numbers presentoon made

3.2. Presentoonn exported

3.2.1. YouTube

3.2.2. HD file

3.3. customers memberships

3.3.1. Free

3.3.2. Marketer

3.3.3. presenter

3.3.4. unlocked

3.3.5. New node

3.4. Customer service tickets

3.5. non active users

3.5.1. in the last month

3.5.2. in the last week

3.6. loggef in

4. Marketing automation