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C++ by Mind Map: C++

1. Features

1.1. simple

1.2. Case sensitive

1.3. High-level programming language

1.4. Compiler-Based.

1.5. Popular

2. Application

2.1. Browsers

2.2. Libraries

2.3. Graphics

2.4. Database

3. Loop

3.1. for

3.2. while

3.3. do while

4. Data type

4.1. Char

4.2. int

4.3. double

4.4. bool

4.5. wchar_t

4.6. void

5. Oop

5.1. provides a clear structure for the programs

5.2. is faster and easier to execute

5.3. makes the code easier to maintain

5.4. helps to keep the C++ code DRY "Don't Repeat Yourself

6. Program

6.1. Cout

6.2. Cin

7. Selection

7.1. if else

7.2. if else if

7.3. switch

7.4. if

8. Libraries

8.1. concepts library

8.2. coroutines library

8.3. utilities library

9. Subprogram

9.1. cube function

9.2. square function

9.3. main function

10. Sequence

10.1. Cout Statements