Money, prices and exchange rates

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Money, prices and exchange rates by Mind Map: Money, prices and exchange rates

1. Price

1.1. The CPI is the weighted average of the prices of the basket of goods and services consumed by a representative individual.

1.1.1. Price determinants -Dollar offer -Amount of money -Foreign investors -Government -Trade balance -Extreme indebtedness

2. Concept of money

2.1. Everything that is commonly accepted as a means of payment to acquire goods, services and obligations.

2.1.1. History -Arises with the division of labor -Means of exchange -Money - commodity gold -Requirements: * Universal acceptance * Non-perishable * Can be added and subtracted to * * * find equivalences How is money created?

3. Interest rates

3.1. The price paid for a monetary loan is expressed as a percentage of the loan amount.

3.1.1. Types Active rate: The rate charged by a bank for the loans it grants (assets). Passive rate: The rate at which the bank collects savings from the public. In Colombia