python programming

student:عمرو محمد بيومي سيد فوزي احمد فوزي السخاويكريم طارق محمد الهنداوي طلاب سكشن 12

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python programming by Mind Map: python programming

1. Arithemetic

2. History

2.1. Developed by Guido Van Rossum

2.2. First released in 1991

2.3. Name inspired by 'Monty Python's Flying Circus'

3. Features

3.1. General-Purpose

3.2. Open-source

3.3. Free

3.4. Interpreted

3.5. Interactive

3.6. Scripting

3.7. Dynamic Programming

3.8. Object-Oriented Programming

3.9. Functional Oriented Programming

3.10. Modular Programming

3.11. High-Level = English Like Language

3.12. Easy to Read/Write & Maintain

4. Types of Operators

4.1. Relational

4.2. Assignment

4.3. Logical

4.4. Identity

4.5. Membership

4.6. Bitwise

5. Loops

5.1. Finite Loop

5.2. InFinite Loop

5.3. break()

5.4. Pass()

6. Conditional statements

6.1. If Statements

6.2. If - Else Statements

6.3. If - Else - If Statements (elif)

7. Data Types in Python

7.1. Numeric

7.1.1. Integer

7.1.2. Float

7.1.3. Complex

7.2. Non-Numeric

7.2.1. String

7.3. Sequential

7.4. Boolean

7.4.1. True

7.4.2. False

8. Variables in python

8.1. Memory pointers

8.2. Always start with Alphabet

8.3. Can be Alpha Numeric

8.4. Cannot Start with Numbers

8.5. No Special Characters (except '_')

8.6. Case Sensitive