Chapter 5,6,and 7

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Chapter 5,6,and 7 by Mind Map: Chapter 5,6,and 7

1. Historical Recount

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. A text that used to explain and retell factual events,people life or historical palace in the past that has historical values.

1.2. Social Function

1.2.1. To inform the audiences on historical events

1.3. Structure

1.3.1. Orientation Contains general information and the object's background

1.3.2. Series of Events Contains a written chronological presentation in detail.

1.3.3. Re-orientation Contains summarizing and evaluating the incident.

1.4. Language Features

1.4.1. •Simple Past Tense •Past Perfect Tense •Adjectives •Adverbial Phrases •Time Connective •Evaluative Words

2. Narrative Text - Legend

2.1. Definition

2.1.1. Legends or Folktale are stories about events that happened in the distant past. Often it is not clearif the characters really existed or if the events really took place.It is also often involve mythical beings and magical transformations.

2.2. Social Function

2.2.1. To entertain people, give advice, or be used in certain beliefs and customs

2.3. Structure

2.3.1. Orientation Contains character introduction and story background

2.3.2. Complication Contains the beginning of the problem to the peak of the conflict

2.3.3. Resolution Contains problem solving in the story

2.3.4. Coda Contains advice or moral values

2.4. Language Features

2.4.1. •Simple Sentence •Adverbs of Time •Subordinating Conjunction •Adjective

2.4.2. •Past Perfect Tense Expresses an activity in the past which happened before another action in the past.

2.4.3. Direct Speech The reporting of speech by repeating the actual words of a speaker

2.4.4. Indirect Speech Speech reporting by saying the words of a speaker as news

3. Song

3.1. Definition

3.1.1. The music lyrics are sung by a human voice and have meaning

3.2. Social Function

3.2.1. To entertain people, to express a singer's feelings, or to provide advice or motivation

3.3. Structure

3.3.1. •Intro •Verse •Refrain •Chorus •Break •Bridge •Outro

3.4. Language Features

3.4.1. Imagery

3.4.2. Rhythm

3.4.3. Metaphore

3.4.4. Hyperbole

3.4.5. Personification