
Track and organize your meetings within your company

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Meeting by Mind Map: Meeting

1. Legend

1.1. Priority Importance indicators

1.1.1. High Priority

1.1.2. Medium Priority

1.1.3. Low Priority

1.2. Task Completion indicators

1.2.1. Not Started

1.2.2. 25% complete

1.2.3. 50% complete

1.2.4. 75% complete

1.2.5. Done

1.3. Flags and Icons

1.3.1. Flags

1.3.2. Icons

2. Action Items

2.1. Action Item 1

2.2. Action Item 2

3. Notes

4. Participants

4.1. John Carl

4.2. Jojo

4.3. Arries

5. Agenda

5.1. Ways to Communicate

5.2. Reporting/Schedule

5.2.1. ?

5.2.2. ?

5.3. Skill Inventory

5.4. Strategy and Planning

5.5. Training

5.6. Equipment/Tools

5.7. Roadblocks and Challenges

6. Goals