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1. Organizational Behavior And Human Resource Management

2. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM) * Is the set of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing, and maintaining an effective workforce. * More precisely, HR managers select new employees, develop rewards and incentives to motivate and retain employees and create programs for training and develop employees.

3. Critical Management Skills and Organizational Behavior • In general most successful managers have a strong combination of technical, interpersonal, conceptual, and diagnostic skills.

4. TECHNICAL SKILLS > are skills necessary to accomplish specific tasks within the organization

5. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS > Is the ability manager use to communicate with understand and motivate individuals and groups.

6. CONCEPTUAL SKILLS > are the manager's ability to think the abstract.

7. DIAGNOSTIC SKILLS > The ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships and to recognize the optimal solutions to problems.

8. The managerial context of organizational behavior can be viewed from the perspective of basic management functions, critical management skills, and overall human resource management.

9. BASIC MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR • Managerial work is fraught with complexity and unpredictability and enriched with opportunity and excitement. • Most educators and other experts find it useful to conceptualize the activities performed by managers. • These functions are referred to as planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

10. Critical Management Skills and Organizational Behavior • In general most successful managers have a strong combination of technical, interpersonal, conceptual, and diagnostic skills.

11. TECHNICAL SKILLS > are skills necessary to accomplish specific tasks within the organization.

12. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS > Is the ability manager use to communicate with understand and motivate individuals and groups.

13. CONCEPTUAL SKILLS > are the manager's ability to think the abstract

14. DIAGNOSTIC SKILLS > The ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships and to recognize the optimal solutions to problems.


16. PLANNING -The first managerial function is the process of determining the organizaton’s desired future positions and deciding how best to get there. -For example, the fashion company, includes studying and analysing the environment, deciding on appropriate goals, outlining strategies and developing tactics.

17. ORGANIZING -The process of designing jobs, grouping jobs into units and establishing patterns of authority between jobs and units. -This process produces the basic structure or framework of the organization - For large company such as Apple,that structure can be incredibly complex. The structure includes several hierarchy layers and spans myriad activities and areas of responsisbility.

18. LEADING ~ The third major managerial functions, is the process of motivating members of the organization to work together toward the organization's goals. ~ For example, a manager at Uniqlo, a Japanese retail clothing store, must hire people, train them, and motivate them. ~ Major components of leading include motivating employees, managing group dynamics, and the actual process of leadership itself.

19. CONTROLLING ~ Is the process of monitoring and correcting the actions of the organization and its people to keep them headed toward their goals. ~ For example, a manager at Harvey Norman has to control cost, inventory and so on.

20. The strategic context of organizational behavior • Successful business strategies are grounded in creating and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage.

21. TYPES OF BUSINESS STRATEGIES • The strategies of different functional areas in the farm. • How changing industry conditions such as deregulation, product market maturity, and changing customers demographics will be addressed. • How the firm as a whole will the address the range of strategic issues and choices it faces.


23. COST LEADERSHIP STRATEGY - Firms pursuing a cost leadership strategy strive to be the lowestcost- producer in an industry for a particular level of product quality.

24. DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGIES - A differentiation strategy calls for the development of a product or service with unique characteristic valued by customers.

25. SPECIALIZATION STRATEGY - Focus on a narrow market segment or niche a single product, a particular end use, or buyers with special needs and pursue either a differentiation or cost leadership strategy within the market segment.