Software Define Networking (SDN)

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Software Define Networking (SDN) by Mind Map: Software Define Networking (SDN)

1. University

1.1. Stanford Nick McKeown

1.1.1. SDN

1.1.2. OpenFlow 만든 애임

1.2. UC Berkeley Scott Shenker

2. Standard

2.1. OpenFlow

2.2. Open Network Foundation

2.3. ietf

2.3.1. Use Cases for ALTO with Software Defined Networks

2.4. irtf Software Defined Networking Research Group (SDNRG)

3. Event

3.1. Open Networking Summit 2012

3.2. Open Networking Summit 2011

4. Tutorial

4.1. OpenFlow/SDN Introduction (OpenNetworking Summit 2012)

4.2. Software Defined Networking (Jennifer Rexford, Princeton)

5. Commercial Product

5.1. OpenFlow Switch

5.1.1. Juniper MX-Series

5.1.2. NEC IP8800

5.1.3. HP Procurve 5400

5.2. Controller

6. Reinventing Current Network

6.1. SDN vs Current IP Network

7. Korean Research Centers

7.1. ETRI

7.1.1. SDN Architecture and Deployment with ALTO

7.2. KISDI

7.2.1. 차세대 네트워크 제어·관리 기술인 SDN 등장과 전망(I), July, 2012

7.2.2. 차세대 네트워크 제어·관리 기술인 SDN 등장과 전망(II), Aug. 2012

7.3. NIPA

7.3.1. 구글, 오픈플로우 도입을 공개, April 2012

8. Google

8.1. 2012년 Data Center간 자체 WAN망을 SDN으로 교체 완료

8.2. Google Resources

8.2.1. OpenFlow @ Google (SDN)

8.2.2. OpenFlow @ Google (SDN): Video

8.2.3. A Software Defined WAN Architecture

8.2.4. Google WAN SDN Architecture New node

8.3. 업계 평

9. Operator

9.1. BT

9.1.1. Virtualising Network Services in the Cloud Explaining the benefits and challenges of implementing network services in the cloud and of implementing networks based on Software Defined Networking principles. The key opportunity is to reduce costs by using open and standardised hardware and management systems whilst increasing the speed to market for new innovative network services. Peter Willis | BT RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY

9.2. DT

9.2.1. Transforming Carrier Business using Innovation enabled by a Software Defined Network (2012.03)

9.2.2. SplitArchitecture – Applying Software Defined Networking concept to carrier networks

9.3. Verizon

9.3.1. Adoption of SDN: Progress Update, 2012

9.3.2. Software Defined Networks: Carrier Perspective, 2011

9.4. NTT Communications

9.4.1. Expectation for OpenFlow/SDN as Carrier's Network

9.5. FT

10. Vendors

10.1. Juniper

10.1.1. Enterprise Data Center and Network


10.1.3. Network programmability: adaptive networking using Software-Defined Networks, May 2012

10.2. Cisco

10.3. NEC

10.4. NSN

10.5. Huawei

10.6. Nicira Networks

10.7. HP

10.8. IBM

10.9. Big Switch

10.10. Ciena

10.11. Ericsson