Brainstorming SERIOUS GAMES

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Brainstorming SERIOUS GAMES by Mind Map: Brainstorming  SERIOUS GAMES

1. Action Points

1.1. Brainstorming and I storyboard

1.2. First story about serious games

1.3. Booklet about serious games with examples

2. Prioritize Ideas

2.1. When, why, how and goals

2.2. Advantages/disadvantages

2.3. Working together

3. Ideas

3.1. Tools, resource

3.1.1. In computer

3.1.2. WWW

3.2. Advantages/disadvantages

3.2.1. Motivational Involvement

3.3. Implementation to curricula

3.4. Attractive

3.5. Working together

3.5.1. Sharing

3.6. Knowledge

3.6.1. Learning Measure

3.6.2. Skills development

3.7. Documentation

3.8. Influence

3.9. When and why

3.10. Cost

3.10.1. Cost effective

3.11. Design

3.12. Updating

3.13. Experience