by Rylan Perrin-Smith Kahl
1. mako
2. predator
2.1. humans
2.2. orca
3. fetures
3.1. good eye site
3.2. no bones
3.3. different teeth
4. food
4.1. squid
4.2. jellyfish
4.3. dolphins
4.4. seal
4.5. carenivor
4.6. near the top of the food
5. habitat
5.1. subtitle zone
5.1.1. stable always wet
5.2. warm ocean
5.3. every ocean
6. facts
6.1. sixth sense
6.2. we are the biggest threat
6.3. found around u.k
6.4. most are cold blooded
6.5. more than 500 speices
6.6. they sometimes think we are seals
6.7. great whites
6.7.1. can survive for 70 years
7. adaptation
7.1. torpedo shape body
7.1.1. speed through water