Geomorphic process

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Geomorphic process by Mind Map: Geomorphic process

1. Endogenic

1.1. Diastrophism

1.1.1. orogenic

1.1.2. epeirogenic

1.1.3. earthquake

1.1.4. plate tectonics

1.2. Volcanism

1.2.1. extrusive force

1.2.2. intrusive force

2. exogenic

2.1. weathering

2.1.1. physical

2.1.2. biological

2.1.3. chemical

2.1.4. exfoliation

2.2. mass movement

2.2.1. Gravity works

2.2.2. No role of Geomorphic agents

2.3. Landslides

2.3.1. Slump

2.3.2. Debris Slide

2.3.3. Debris fall

2.3.4. Rock Slide

2.3.5. Rock fall

2.4. Erosion

2.4.1. Acquisition

2.4.2. Transportation

2.4.3. Running water

2.4.4. Glacier

2.4.5. Wind

2.4.6. Waves

2.4.7. Ground water