Epistemological foundations of quantitative research

The epistemological foundations of quantitative research

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Epistemological foundations of quantitative research by Mind Map: Epistemological foundations of quantitative research

1. Consists basically in investigating a specific issue of interest can be accomplished by employing different kinds of methods and approaches.

2. The research study can generally be replicated, simulated or repeated, due to its high reliability. It focuses on numeric and invariable data and meticulous, convergent reasoning to find an optimum solution to an evidently defined problem.

3. Epistemologies underlying theory and practice

3.1. The quantitative view is described as being ‘realist’ or occasionally ‘positivist’, while the worldview underlying qualitative research is seen as being ‘subjectivist’.

3.2. All quantitative research is based on: positivism, subjectivism, post-positivism, interpretivism, criticism and postmodernism.

4. In accordance to researchers who identify with post-positivism, not only theories, experience, knowledge, but also their own values can influence what is observed. “They believe that human knowledge is based not on unchallengeable, rock-solid foundations, but rather upon human conjectures”.