Summer Project

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Summer Project by Mind Map: Summer Project

1. GI Courses

1.1. Course I

1.1.1. Module-1 coursework

1.1.2. Module-2 coursework

1.1.3. Module-3 coursework

1.1.4. Module-4 coursework

1.1.5. Module-5 coursework

1.2. Course II

1.2.1. TBD

2. CJ Courses Instruction

2.1. CRJS Course

2.1.1. M-1 Lecture

2.1.2. M-2 Lecture

2.1.3. M-3 Lecture

2.1.4. M-4 Lecture

2.1.5. Final Paper

2.2. MCCJ Course

2.2.1. Research outlines

2.2.2. Introduction

2.2.3. Literature review

2.2.4. Methodology

2.2.5. Final proposal

3. Immigration Study

3.1. Naturalization

3.1.1. Aggregated SES

3.1.2. By Jurisdiction/State

3.1.3. Demographic Characteristics

3.2. Permanent Residency

3.2.1. Class of Admission

3.2.2. Jurisdiction/County

3.2.3. Demographic Characteristics

3.3. Asylum

3.3.1. Field Office

3.3.2. Country of Birth

3.3.3. Type of Action

3.3.4. Accompanied/Unaccompanied

3.4. Enforcement Actions

3.4.1. DHS

3.4.2. USBP

3.4.3. DHS

4. Corporate Crime Study

4.1. Corporate Variables

4.1.1. No. of employees in corporation

4.1.2. No. of offices

4.1.3. Type of business

4.2. Probability of Detection

4.2.1. Number of staff in regulator's office of prosecution

4.2.2. Number of regulators' regional offices

4.2.3. Number of DOJ office by state

4.3. Political Climate

4.3.1. President's political party

4.3.2. Political party of head of regulatory agency