Validity & Reliability Evidence

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Validity & Reliability Evidence by Mind Map: Validity & Reliability Evidence

1. Split half methods

1.1. Kuder- Richardson Methods:

2. Does the test yield?

3. Test- Retest or Stability

4. Alternate Forms or Equivalence

5. Internal Consistency:

5.1. Internal Consistency:


7. Sub Idea 1

8. Validity Evidence

8.1. Validity & Reliability

8.1.1. Goal 1

8.1.2. Goal 2

8.2. References:

8.2.1. Session Rule 1

8.2.2. Session Rule 2

8.3. Validity: Why Evaluate Test?

8.4. Content Validity Evidence:

8.5. Criterion Related Validity Evidence:

8.6. Concurrent criterion related validity evidence:

9. Validity Continue

9.1. Predictive validity evidence:

9.2. Construct Validity Evidence

10. Reliability

10.1. Content Validity Evidence:

10.1.1. Concurrent and Predictive Validity Evidence

10.2. Principle I

10.3. Principle II

10.4. Principle III