Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Interpreting Validity

1.1. Adequacy of Validity

1.2. Group Variability

1.3. Validity Coefficients

2. Construct Validity

3. Criterion Related Validity

3.1. Concurrent Validity

3.2. Predictive Validity

4. Content Validity

4.1. Test Items

4.2. Instructional Objectives

5. Test-Retest Estimates

6. Alternate Form Estimates

7. Internal consistency Estimates

8. New node

9. Split-half & Odd-even Estimates

10. Kuder Richardson Methods

11. Interpreting Reliability

11.1. Group Variability

11.2. Scoring Reliability

11.3. Test Length

11.4. Item Difficulty