How can a seed make it into most of your clothes?

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How can a seed make it into most of your clothes? by Mind Map: How can a seed make it into most of your clothes?

1. Tertiary Level- After going through the manufacturing process, the cotton will be transported and distributed to different businesses.

2. Quartenery Level: Once the cotton gets to the companies, they can start doing their own designs, and types of clothe where they will get their profit out of.

3. Primary Level- Cotton is made from the natural fibers of cotton plants. The very first step will be the worker having to use a cotton picker, where it will separate the cotton from things such as sticks, insects, some debris and others. After this, the manufacturing process will begin.

4. Secondary Level: Cotton goes through a lot of processes before you are able to see in all of the different representations that you can find in a regular supermarker, or local store. Some of those processes are: spinning the cotton, ginning the cotton, and dyeing the cotton, contruction of product (garments).