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Human by Mind Map: Human

1. appendicular - upper & lower limbs

2. w/in the head, smaller cavities-

2.1. oral cavity - teeth & tongue

2.2. nasal cavity - w/in nose, right & left portions by nasal septum; several air-filled sinuses connect to nasal cavity, include frontal & sphenoidal sinuses

2.3. orbital cavities - eyes & asso. skeletal muscles & nerves

2.4. middle ear cavities - middle ear bones

3. Axial portion - head, neck, trunk

3.1. larger ventral cavity (visceral/viscera organs - name organs in such cavity)

3.1.1. abdominopelvic cavity upper abdominal portion, its wall consists primarily of skin, skeletal muscles, & bones, viscera (organs ) include stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidneys & most of small + larger intestines lower pelvic portion - enclosed by hip bones, contains terminal portion of large intestine, urinary bladder, internal reproductive organs

3.1.2. thoracic cavity mediastinum right lung & right pleural cavity remaining thoracic viscera - heart, esophagus, trachea, thyroid gland

3.2. dorsal cavity

3.2.1. cranial cavity - w/in skull; houses brain

3.2.2. vertebral canal - contains spinal chord w/in sections of backbone