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Interview Day by Mind Map: Interview Day

1. Timing

1.1. the interview is scheduled for…

1.2. inconvenient time / date

1.3. to rearrange

1.4. the interview will last…

1.5. the interview will take approximately…

1.6. to be in / on time…

2. Appearance

2.1. neutral colors

2.2. casual style

2.3. soft and subtle makeup

2.4. low-heeled shoes

3. Polite phrases

3.1. Great to hear from you

3.2. Look forward to seeing you soon

3.3. Dear…

3.4. Thank you for applying for…

3.5. It's a pleasure to meet you.

3.6. My pleasure!

4. Place and arrival

4.1. to be located in /on somewhere

4.2. the interview will take place in…

4.3. the office is located on…

4.4. it’s a six-minute walk from…

4.5. to reimburse travel expenses

4.6. refund of the costs of getting to the interview

4.7. to attend

5. HR

5.1. interviewer

5.2. interviewee

5.3. interview panel

5.4. hiring for

6. Company

6.1. I’m familiar with a company / products / history…

6.2. services provider

6.3. B2B / B2C sector

6.4. the country’s leading manufacturer

6.5. the most important one in its area of business

6.6. is one of the largest suppliers

7. Possible questions

7.1. Current job

7.1.1. to decide to leave

7.1.2. it’s ​​time​​ for ​​a​​ change

7.1.3. I’m looking for new challenges

7.1.4. next ​​level​​ of ​​responsibility

7.1.5. the most interesting project you have been involved in

7.1.6. current role is focused on…

7.2. Responsibilities

7.2.1. typical problems you have to deal with

7.2.2. job duties

7.2.3. to collaborate with…

7.2.4. to meet smbd’s needs

7.2.5. to explain complex technical information

7.2.6. to manage information systems

7.2.7. to devise / identify / implement a strategy

7.3. Education

7.3.1. graduated with a … degree

7.3.2. received bachelor’s degree / master’s degree / PhD from… (e. g. MIT)

7.3.3. bachelor’s degree / master’s degree / PhD in… (e. g. biochemistry)

7.3.4. did / doing a diploma in…

7.4. Personality

7.4.1. a personal statement

7.4.2. your greatest ​​strength​ / ​​weakness / achievement

7.4.3. a​​ people’s ​​person

7.4.4. ​​to give​​ people ​​a ​​more​​ time ​​and ​​space

7.4.5. what is your opinion on…

7.4.6. soft skills

7.5. Why me?

7.5.1. to fit for

7.5.2. to be a good fit for

7.5.3. to feel aligned with the company

7.5.4. what can you bring to the company

7.5.5. I have a solid understanding of ...

8. What to bring

8.1. IDs (proofs of identity)

8.2. references