Shapes, Lines, and Angles

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Shapes, Lines, and Angles by Mind Map: Shapes, Lines, and Angles

1. Perpendicular Lines

1.1. Perpendicular Lines : Lines that meet or cross each other to form right angles

2. Lines

2.1. Line : a straight set of points that extend in opposite directions without ending.

3. Lines

4. Triangle With Parallel Lines

5. Rays

5.1. Rays : a part of a line that has one endpoint and extends in one direction without ending.

6. Line-segment

6.1. Line-segment : a part of a line between two endpoints.

7. Angles

8. Parallel Lines

8.1. Parallel Lines : always the same distance apart. They do not meet.

9. Part 3

10. Part 2

11. Right Angles (part 1)

11.1. Right Angle : an angle of 90°, as in a corner of a square or at the intersection of two perpendicular straight lines.

12. Square with Perpendicular Lines

13. Line of Symmetry

13.1. Line of Symmetry : is the imaginary line where you could fold the image and have both halves match exactly.

14. Shapes with Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

15. Square's LIne of Symmetry

16. Shapes

17. Triangle's Line of Symmetry

18. 3) Acute Angles

18.1. Acute Angles : the small angle which is less than 90°.

19. 2) Obtuse Angles

19.1. Obtuse Angle : a form of angle that measures wider than 90° and less than 180°.

20. right angle image