Advertising Advocacy

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Advertising Advocacy by Mind Map: Advertising Advocacy

1. Direction of advertising Advocacy

1.1. Feelings to evoke to get avocates

1.1.1. Self-Respect

1.1.2. Belonging

1.1.3. Excitement

1.1.4. Fun

1.1.5. Relationships

1.1.6. Fufillment

1.1.7. Respect

1.1.8. Accomplishment

1.1.9. Sercuity

1.2. Methods

1.2.1. Give a good backstory - Brand transparency

1.2.2. Expectation beating experiences drives recomendations

1.2.3. Instant gratification

1.2.4. Discover a purpose that people cares about

1.2.5. Commit to something bigger then selling products

1.2.6. Transcend beyond a product-only relationship

1.2.7. Sneak peaks

2. Purpose of the Research

2.1. Traditional advertising is no longer effective in a fast-paced and densely digital connected world - Exploring the approach of Advertising Advocacy

3. Ethics

3.1. Honest

3.2. Relevant

3.3. Nice

4. Defination of advocacy

4.1. Advocacy (n): the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending a brand, cause or idea by a trusted third party

4.2. Mckinsey & Company "Two-thirds of the economy are influenced by personal recommendations"

5. Traditional advertising is no longer effective in a fast-paced and densely digital connected world

5.1. Consumers are relying more on third parties to make their buying decisions

5.2. In a world where everyone,everything and everywhere is connected/updated in real time

6. Objective of research

6.1. How are consumers influenced by another consumer's recommendation?

6.1.1. What are the trusted source? Family, friends, Authorities, Media, Commercial

6.1.2. To what extend do these trusted source affects buying decisions?

6.2. How does advertising advocacy affects purchase decisions?

6.3. How to achieve advertising advocacy?

6.3.1. Create Convosations

6.4. What is the ultimate goal?

6.4.1. To get people talking. "Whatever you do, make sure its worth talking about".

6.5. How can ads Transcend beyond a product-only relationship?

7. The advantages of advertising advocacy

7.1. Drives growth and awareness to ideas and message

7.2. Dominos effect

7.3. Recommandation leading to purchase decisions

7.4. A collection of advocates to spread your key message