OB CH1 What is OB?

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OB CH1 What is OB? by Mind Map: OB CH1 What is OB?

1. Organize

2. 1-The importance of interpersonal skills

2.1. Technical and qualitative skills are important

2.2. But relationships and communications skills are critical

2.2.1. Organizational benefits of skilled managers: 1-Lower turnover of quality employees 2-Higher quality applications for recruitment 3-Better financial performance

3. 2-What managers do

3.1. They get things done through other people.

3.2. Management Activities: Make decisions Allocate resources Direct activities of others to attain goals

3.3. Work in an organization: A consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.

4. 4-Mintzberg managerial roles

4.1. Ten managerial roles Separated into Three groups: 1-Interpersonal 2-Informational 3-Decisional

4.1.1. 1-Interpersonal 1- figurehead 2-Leader 3-Liaison

4.1.2. 2-Informational 1-Monitor Disseminoter Spokesperson

4.1.3. 3-Decosional Entrepreneur Disturbance handler recorse allocator Negotiator

5. 5-Essential management skills

5.1. Technical Skills

5.2. Human Skills

5.3. Conceptual Skills

6. 6-Contributing disciplines

6.1. Social Psychology


6.3. Sociology

6.4. Anthropology

7. 7-Challenges and opportunities of OB

7.1. Responding to Economic Pressures

7.2. Responding to Globalization

7.3. Managing Workforce Diversity

7.4. Improving Quality and Productivity

7.5. Improving Customer Service

7.6. Improving People Skills

7.7. Helping Employees Balance Work-Life Conflicts

7.8. Creating a Positive Work Environment

7.9. Improving Ethical Behavior

8. 8-Developing on OB model

8.1. Organaiztional system level

8.2. Group level

8.3. Individuals level

9. 9- Interesting OB Dependent variables

9.1. Productivity

9.2. Absenteeism

9.3. Turnover

9.4. Deviant Workplace Behavior

9.5. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

9.6. Job Satisfaction

10. 3-Management function

10.1. Plan

10.2. Lead

10.3. Control