Goto Synths, Effects and Sound Effects

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Goto Synths, Effects and Sound Effects by Mind Map: Goto Synths, Effects and Sound Effects

1. Alchemy

1.1. Cinematic

1.2. Atmospheric

1.3. Bio Labs Dark Space

2. Reaktor

3. Absynth

4. Kontakt

4.1. 3rd Party

4.1.1. Sound Iron

4.1.2. 8Dio

4.1.3. Sonic Couture

4.2. Cello

4.3. Violin

4.4. Hammond Novachord

5. Moog Voyager

6. Effects

6.1. Ableton Corpus

6.2. Absynth FX

6.3. Guitar Rig

6.3.1. Reflector Spirit Canyon Audio

6.3.2. Roland Space Echo

6.4. Live Effects

7. Sound Effects

7.1. Rabbit Ears Audio

7.2. Tongsturm

7.3. Tim Prebble

7.4. The Recordist