Design Thinking

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Design Thinking by Mind Map: Design Thinking

1. Ideate

1.1. Future Journey Maps

1.2. Brainstorming Techniques

1.2.1. SWOT

1.2.2. Rolestorming

1.2.3. Endless Resources

1.2.4. Building on Ideas

1.2.5. 101 Ideas

1.2.6. Reverse Thinking

1.2.7. The Challenger

1.2.8. Entity Position Maps

1.2.9. ERAF Systems

2. Prototype

2.1. Iterate

2.2. Measures of Success

2.3. Low-fidelity prototypes for greater input

2.4. Culture Change - Adopting Prototyping

2.5. Storyboarding

2.6. Wireframes

2.7. Experimentation

2.8. Multiple (2) versions

2.8.1. Functional

2.8.2. Physical

2.8.3. Paper

3. Test

3.1. A/B Testing

3.2. Iterate

3.3. Test with Personas

3.4. Measures of Success

4. Empathize

4.1. Who is implicated?

4.2. Journey Maps

4.3. Empathy Maps

4.4. Personas

4.5. Data

5. Define

5.1. Measures of Success

5.2. Iterate

5.3. Plain language

5.4. Agreed-upon definition

5.5. SWOT Analysis

5.6. 5 Whys

5.7. Fishbone Diagrams

5.8. Mind Maps

6. Communication

6.1. Expectations

6.2. Invitations to participate

6.3. Mindset

6.4. Planning

6.4.1. Timeline

6.4.2. Critical path