Books (project theme)

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Books (project theme) by Mind Map: Books (project theme)

1. How long does it take to read a book?

2. Who is behind the books?

3. Romance

3.1. Fantasy

3.2. Poem

3.3. New adult

3.4. Youthful

4. History

4.1. Report

4.2. Biography

5. Dystopia

5.1. Revolution

5.2. futere

5.3. Authoritarian government

6. Thriller

6.1. Investigative

6.2. Psychologist

6.3. Supernatural

6.4. Horror

7. Where literature fits for the development of society?

8. Which books are considered great classics?

9. How much do you read these days?

10. How often is reading devalued?

11. Classics

11.1. Important to history

11.2. Marked generations

12. Fantasy

12.1. Parallel realities

12.2. Mystical Creatures

12.3. Mythology

12.4. Different worlds

13. Fiction

13.1. Scientific

13.1.1. Star Wars

13.1.2. Dune

13.2. Future

14. What is the importance of the consumption of literature for the individual's development?

15. When should we introduce the habit of reading into someone's life?

16. Why is a book a luxury item currently?

17. Whose responsibility is it to spread the reading habit?