Goal: 10% of completed users demonstrate engagement by signing Code Pledge on website

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Goal: 10% of completed users demonstrate engagement by signing Code Pledge on website by Mind Map: Goal:   10% of completed users demonstrate engagement by signing Code Pledge on website

1. This module is aimed at holiday makers. It aims to raise their awareness of child protection issues and ask for their help in helping to protect children whilst they are on vacation. The principal goal of the training is to engage with holiday makers and ask for their support in spreading news of the code and encouraging the tour operator they booked through to sign up. Any comments/suggestions for maximising the impact of the training for holiday makers most welcome

2. Action: Recognise possible child risk issues

2.1. Activity to practice behaviour Scenarios they may encounter whilst on vacation

2.2. Information to support: Quick background Telephone/Website addresses per country

3. Action: Take action when issues observed

3.1. Dealing with scenarios, getting involved without antagonising etc

3.2. Relevant examples

3.3. What if you don't take action - explore some of the consequences

4. Action: Spread knowledge to friends and peers

4.1. Easy method to share page/content

4.2. Badge of honor/completion certificate/reward for completing

4.3. Share / like the code

5. Action: Will actively check to ensure that future bookings are made with Code Member organisations

5.1. Online pledge - take an active interest in choosing member companies for future bookings

5.2. e-petition / current campaign / donate