Our Regenerative Evolution - This is how we "saved" our World

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Our Regenerative Evolution - This is how we "saved" our World by Mind Map: Our Regenerative Evolution - This is how we "saved" our World

1. My Projects - Syntropic Food forests

1.1. Planting Water - Enhancing Biodiversitg

1.2. Syntropy toohey

1.3. Treeplanting

1.4. Organic

2. My Purpose and Passion

2.1. Regenerative Solutions

2.2. Projects for People and planet

2.3. Health - Healing - Innovations

2.4. Renewable Energies

3. Regenerative Solutions

3.1. Regenerative Farming

3.1.1. Permaculture

3.1.2. Biodynamics

3.1.3. Syntropic Agroforestry

3.2. Symbiosis of New and Ancient Solutions

3.3. Aquacultures/Aquaponics (as a core/Heart of systems)

3.4. Ecobuilding - 3d Printing - Plastic upcycling

3.5. Hemp, Bamboo, Ecofibers

3.6. Mushrooms, Starch, Natural

3.7. Battery solutions

3.8. Renewable Energy Production

3.9. Ecovillages - ComUnities For FUTURE

4. Intro

4.1. Problems

4.1.1. Industrial "war Farming" - Past Problems Ineffective against nature

4.1.2. Toxic, chemical War Farming

4.1.3. Water Run off - Soil Depleted Toxic chemical Run off Rivers, oceans, lakes, Food, Animals, fish, Air - Pollution

4.1.4. No Plants - No Roots - No water Sponge

4.1.5. Soil Tillage - Soil Dying - Carbon Goes into the air

5. My Mission for our Planet

5.1. Regeneration and Positive Action

5.2. Solutionary empowerment

5.3. Inspiration - on and offline

6. Resources for Regeneration and positive global change


6.2. My Website - Positive Change Library