Interview with #103 President of Student Association

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Interview with #103 President of Student Association by Mind Map: Interview with #103 President of Student Association

1. start

1.1. Transformed empty Student Association to a proper one

1.2. no election campaign

1.3. need to start from scratch

1.3.1. "I love to manage projects from A to Z

2. What?

2.1. Annual Bal

2.1.1. 550 attendees

2.1.2. $20k budget

3. Roles

3.1. created structure

3.1.1. Treasurer

3.1.2. VP

3.1.3. Event module...

4. Motivation

4.1. members

4.1.1. can't expect same commitment from people with less responsability they also get less recognition

4.2. me

4.2.1. recognition

4.2.2. proof: skipped a lot of classes to meet up with sponsors and partners

5. Make decisions

6. Back to Table of Content

7. Attributes

7.1. Risk taking

7.1.1. Risk legally, the only one responsible for everything

7.2. Business Savvy

7.3. Delegation