Compound Adjectives

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Compound Adjectives by Mind Map: Compound Adjectives

1. Pattern 1

2. Pattern 2

3. Pattern 3

4. Adjective+Noun+-ED

5. Whether they are placed before aor after a noun,they remain hyphenated.

6. Examples

6.1. Underprivileged

6.2. Malnourished

7. Adverbs + Past Participle

8. Rules

8.1. 2. Compund adjectives that have adverbs not ending in-ly are hyphenated before a noun

8.2. 1. Compound adjectives that have adverbs ending in-ly are never hyphenated

9. Adjective, adverb/Noun + Present Participle

10. Compound adjectives with pattern arehyphenated whether they´re placed before or after a noun

11. Examples

11.1. Widely recognized

11.2. Highly respected

12. Examples

12.1. Slow-talking

12.2. Good-looking