Neurological Diseases

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Neurological Diseases by Mind Map: Neurological Diseases

1. Headache and Migraine

1.1. Primary Headache

1.2. Secondary Headache

1.3. Migraine

1.4. Facial Pain

1.5. Cluster Headache

1.6. Trigeminal Neuralgia

2. Degenerative Disorders

2.1. Parkinson's Disease

2.1.1. New Topic

2.2. Alzheimer's Disease

2.3. Huntington's Disease

3. Seizure/Epilepsy

3.1. Partial

3.2. Generalized

3.3. Simple

3.4. Complex

3.5. Grand Mal

3.6. Absence

4. Infections

4.1. Bacterial

4.2. Viral

5. Others

5.1. Down's Syndrome

5.2. Cerebral Aneurysm

5.3. Brain Tumors

5.4. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)