IBE312 - 2012 - people

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IBE312 - 2012 - people by Mind Map: IBE312 - 2012 - people

1. Lars Jonny Havnes

1.1. IT and log

1.2. Molde

1.3. 2lkis

2. Siw Irene Lyngmo

2.1. Kristiamsund

2.2. IT og Logistikk

2.3. Work

3. Marie Svane

3.1. Hammerfest

3.2. IT and Logistics

3.3. Gaming

4. Øystein Malmedal

4.1. IT and Logistics

4.2. Eide

4.3. Shooting and skiing

5. Kolbjørn Horgheim

5.1. It and Logistics

5.2. Rauma

5.3. Trombone

5.4. New node

6. Håkon Bergersen

6.1. IT and Logistics

6.2. Surnadal

6.3. Gaming

6.4. Climbing

7. Øivind S Heggland

7.1. It and Enterprise develoipment

7.2. Haugesund

7.3. TTraining

7.4. New node

8. Juanfra Perez

8.1. Canary island

8.2. Mathematics

8.3. 19 years old

8.4. Sleeping

9. Hans F. Nordhaug

9.1. Teacher

9.2. 2 kids

9.3. Volleyball

9.4. Telemark

10. Leo Poncet

10.1. Frqnce

10.2. 20 years old

10.3. bike

11. Lucas Magnin

11.1. Business

11.2. downhill bike

11.3. skiing

11.4. france

12. Michael Polat

12.1. Trondheim

12.2. IT and Logistics

12.3. Fotball

12.4. Snowboard

13. Nina Opstad

13.1. IT am Logistics

13.2. Molde

13.3. 1 Child

13.4. Like skiing

14. Vicky Garcia

14.1. Canary Island

14.2. Maths

14.3. 19 yeara old

14.4. Movies

14.5. New node

15. Anja Larsen

15.1. It og Logistikk

15.2. Todalen

15.3. Football

16. Magnus Nekstad

16.1. It og Logistikk

16.2. Climbing

16.3. Work: Bunnpris

16.4. Gaming

16.5. Army