Is this conflict worth my time and energy? Will I care about this tomorrow?

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Is this conflict worth my time and energy? Will I care about this tomorrow? by Mind Map: Is this conflict worth my time  and energy? Will I care about this tomorrow?

1. Yes? Then ask yourself this: Will you care about this conflict next week?

1.1. No? Then don’t waste your time and destroy your energy today.

1.2. Yes? Then ask yourself: Will this conflict matter in a month? Will you even remember it?

1.2.1. No? Then don’t waste your time and destroy your energy today.

1.2.2. Yes? Okay then ask yourself: Will this conflict matter to you in a year? Yes? Are you sure about that? If still yes. Take action to resolve the conflict so that it won’t continue to occupy space in your mind and destroy your inner peace. No? Then don’t waste your time and destroy your energy today. No Then don’t waste your time and destroy your energy today.

2. No? Then don’t waste your time and destroy your energy today.