Michele Parga - ITO OnLine Learning Ecosystem

This is a start to an OnLine Learning Ecosystem developed by Michele Parga.

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Michele Parga - ITO OnLine Learning Ecosystem by Mind Map: Michele Parga - ITO OnLine Learning Ecosystem

1. Teacher Support/Training

1.1. Teacher Channel

1.2. Buck Institute PBL

1.3. Los Angeles Educational Partnership

1.4. Edutopia

1.5. R Campus

1.6. California Streaming

1.6.1. New node

1.7. CLRN

1.8. Ca. Common Core Standards

1.9. ISTE NETS Standards

2. Collaborative/Publishing Tools

2.1. Google Docs

2.2. Web Page

2.3. Haiku

2.4. MindMeister

2.5. Corkboard

3. Social Networking

3.1. Facebook

3.1.1. Twitter

4. California Technology Assistance Project - CTAP

5. Online Learning

5.1. Leading Edge Certification

5.1.1. CUE


5.3. ISTE

6. Technology Planning

6.1. USAC

6.2. California Dept. of Ed

6.3. Online Technology Plan Builder

6.4. Technology Plan Review System

7. Administrative Training and Resources

7.1. TICAL

7.2. McREL

7.3. ASCD

7.4. CDE

7.5. LACOE Admin Training

7.5.1. New node

7.6. California Common Core Standards

7.7. ISTE NETS Standards

8. Current Interest

8.1. Cell Phones In The Classroom

8.2. SBAC

8.3. CIPA Compliance

8.4. Instructional Coaching-Jim Knight

8.5. ISTE NETS Standards for Coaches

8.6. Common Sense Media