Indigenous Populations and Food Insecurity

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Indigenous Populations and Food Insecurity by Mind Map: Indigenous Populations and Food Insecurity

1. Causes

1.1. Barriers

1.1.1. Distance Remote communities

1.1.2. Money High cost of harvesting/shipping food to remote communities²

1.1.3. Time Obtaining and preparing food¹

1.2. Erosion of Indigenous knowledge¹

1.2.1. Traditional foods replaced by market convenience foods¹ Convenience foods high in fats, sugar, sodium, low in micronutrients¹ Traditional foods tend to be healthier, more nutrient dense¹

1.3. Climate change³

1.4. Environmental disposession¹

1.4.1. Colonization

1.5. Reduced access to traditional land, waters, food resources¹

1.6. Environmental pollution³

1.6.1. Contaminants in meats, fish

2. Adverse health outcomes¹

2.1. Increased reliance on health care system

2.2. Heart disease

2.3. Depression

2.4. Obesity

2.5. Type 2 diabetes

3. Food insecurity: Physical and economic inability to access sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet diatary meeds and food preferences for an active and healthy life.⁴

4. Social determinants of health¹

4.1. Unemployment

4.1.1. Food insecurity highest in those permanently unable to work¹

4.2. Low income

4.2.1. Lowest income quintile 30x more likely to experience food insecurity than highest income quintile¹

4.3. Low education

4.3.1. Greatest food insecurity in households with less than high school education¹

4.4. Geographical location

4.4.1. Proximity to grocery stores

4.5. Household composition

4.5.1. Families with children more likely to experience food insecurity³

4.5.2. Female lone parents more vulnerable to food insecurity¹

5. Indigenous vulnerability

5.1. Indigenous food insecurity 5-6x higher than non-Indigenous populations⁴

5.2. Half of First Nations households struggled to put food on the table²

5.3. Inuit people have highest rate of food insecurity relative to non-Indigenous¹