Operating System

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Operating System by Mind Map: Operating System

1. Performs

1.1. Users

1.1.1. Log on

1.1.2. Log off

1.2. Storage

1.2.1. Format

1.2.2. Compress

1.3. Device

1.3.1. Install

1.3.2. Upgrade

1.4. Applications

1.4.1. Launch

1.4.2. Terminate

2. Components

2.1. Hardware

2.1.1. BIOS

2.1.2. Processor

2.2. Software

2.2.1. Kernel

3. Interface

3.1. Between

3.1.1. Operator

3.1.2. Computer

3.2. CLI

3.2.1. Instructions in Windows MS-DOS in MAC CLI

3.3. GUI

3.3.1. Icons

3.3.2. popular os windows Mac

4. Types

4.1. Personal Computer

4.1.1. Windows

4.1.2. Linux

4.1.3. Mac

4.2. Server

4.2.1. Windows

4.2.2. Linux

4.3. Mobile

4.3.1. Windows

4.3.2. Android

4.3.3. iOS

4.3.4. QNX

4.3.5. S60

5. Is

5.1. MultiTasking Software