Student Entrepreneur Type 2
by Julien Marchand

1. Business Savvy
2. Motivation
2.1. Recognition from others
2.1.1. 1st Year at Uni Make money to go out
3. Other Attributes
3.1. Hard work
3.2. Do the most out of everything
3.3. Creative
3.3.1. Parents took him to travel overseas for 2 terms
3.3.2. His parents never said he couldn't do anything
3.4. "Addiction to Learning"
3.4.1. 11 Year Old recreated a website learned Macromedia
3.5. Mature & focused
3.5.1. "I see my friends wasting money in parties, I'd rather put the energy in the business, being productive
3.6. Family of high achievers
3.7. Perseverance
3.8. Everything is possible
4. Passion
5. Need For Control
5.1. "Control Freak"
5.1.1. no equity to anyone except last business
5.1.2. Social Status
6. Perfectionist
7. Access to extended cognitive map at http://bit.lyStudentEntrepreneur2
8. Importance of University
8.1. Degree
8.1.1. "good to have" in this society
8.2. Do as many possible
8.2.1. things
8.2.2. meet people
9. Mentor
9.1. Math Tutor in year 11
9.1.1. decided to work together Year 11 Now Online Education