Good Friday Agreement Celtic Tiger & Contemporary Ireland
by Shanna Bøgested Sørensen
1. The Celtic Tiger
1.1. 1973 - EU
1.2. 1980 - 18%
1.3. 1995 - 2007
1.4. 1997 - 5%
1.5. 2008
1.6. 2010 - 14%
2. Contemporary Ireland
2.1. 80% - No financial problems
2.2. 10% - Financially vulnerable
2.3. 9% - Consistently Poor
3. The Good Friday Agreement
3.1. Major development in the peace process
3.2. Multi party agreement
3.3. Agreement with the British and Irish governments
3.4. Regarded many areas, eg.: - The role of the Northern Irish government - The relationship with the Irish and the British government - Weapons in the paramilitary groups - Prisoners from paramilitary groups - Security arrangements between Britain and Northern Ireland - Human rights
3.5. Signed on Fridag April 10th 1998 In effect December 2nd 1999