1. 2008: 廿一世紀的「真正」開始/Coming soon: The 21st Century [WP 081230
1.1. Gordon Brown @ G20: "Old Washington Consensus is over...new world order is emerging" [090403
1.1.1. Burst of the Wealth Bubble: Soros on The New Paradigm for Financial Markets.... [MITWorld 081028
1.1.2. Peter Schiff saw this coming Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse [070226 Peter Schiff was right 2006-2007 - CNBC edition [090220
1.1.3. G20峰會各方"亮劍":美"救"字為先 歐盟"改"字當頭 新興經濟體 “權”字要爭 [新華網 090401
1.1.4. White House to Propose New Rules for Executive Compensation [WP 090610
1.2. The rise of the Rest: China and US in the Post-American World [Fareed Zakaria BBC Intv 080519
1.2.1. Gore on the same page as Wen: We Need Sustainable Capitalism [WSJ 081105
1.2.2. Lessons for the West from Asian capitalism [FT 090318
1.2.3. Gorbachev: It's time for a second American revolution in the spirit of perestroika [Sydney Morning Herald 090610
2. 環球議題
3. 正料
4. Video
5. My blog〔智在埋堆〕: about me, comments....
6. Updates
7. 香港新角色:「一人企業」的支援及培訓
7.1. New role of「一人企業」in the real world: Interview, Reid Hoffman, CEO of LinkedIn [090304
7.2. Drucker: "知識工作者的新挑戰"
7.3. 培訓市場的機遇與挑戰
7.4. 大中華地區轉型:香港專業人士的真正挑戰
7.5. 香港的中產階層 [广州市社会科学院演讲, 吕大乐, 2003
8. Pig and the Python: The phenomenal expansion of the Global Middle Class
8.1. The New Global Middle Class: Potentially Profitable -- but Also Unpredictable [Wharton 080709
8.2. 2 billion new people may join global middle class by 2030: Goldman Sachs [Economic Times 080709
8.3. The new middle classes in emerging markets: Burgeoning bourgeoisie [Economist 090212
8.4. Case in point: China auto sales surge for 3 consecutive months [CNN 090409
9. Age of Ubiquitous Knowledge: 資訊科技帶來之社會生態轉變
9.1. Link to Think: 智在埋堆
9.1.1. Wisdom of the crowds: 21st C decision-making [080701
9.1.2. 跨際整合 "Learning as optimizing our network" [080206 A New Science [PS 2005
9.2.1. search.twitter.com, the new "google": Twitter as a tool for Personal Knowledge Management
9.2.2. YES WE CAN: Rise of IT-enabled social movements, e.g. Obama, global warming, food safety, etc [Web 2.0 Summit, Nov 5-7, 2008 「奧氏英語」的啟示
9.2.3. Why you need a tribe [090205
9.2.4. First YouTube Symphony Orchestra: auditioned on YouTube [ABCNews 090302
9.2.5. Guerrilla Gardening
9.2.6. Three Wolf Moon Internet sensation