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The Creature by Mind Map: The Creature

1. Kind

1.1. Caring and compasionate for others

2. Afraid

2.1. Not accepted by society

2.1.1. Causes him anger

2.1.2. People immediately judge him Viewed as hideous monster

2.2. Doesn't know what his purpose is

3. Victor's Creation

3.1. Unnatural

3.2. Desperate to meet his creator

3.3. Thinks he will only be accepted by another creature

4. Delacey Hut

4.1. Learns to speak

4.1.1. Loves to read as well Helps him learn about himself

4.2. Learns he is a monster

4.3. Helps out the family

4.3.1. Gathers firewood

4.4. Tries to be friendly with the family

4.4.1. Felix attacks him Judged as monster