History of Visual Communication
by Mackenzie Gaillard
1. Linotype Machine
1.1. Clephane wanted to find an easier way to transcribe his notes and legal briefs and to produce multiple copies
1.2. Christopher Sholes invented the only typewriter that became commercially successful
1.2.1. Clephane tested his typewriter
1.3. The name Linotype comes from the fact that it produces an entire line of metal type at once
2. Cave Paintings
2.1. Beautiful, detailed and colorful representations found on the inside of cave walls and ceilings.
2.1.1. Goal 1
2.1.2. Goal 2
2.2. Large animals and tracing of human hands were common cave paintings
2.2.1. Session Rule 1
2.2.2. Session Rule 2
2.3. Brushes were made from sticks stones and leaves
2.4. First form of graphic communication
3. Cuneiform
3.1. A theocratic culture ruled by a priest king
3.2. Skilled artisans who created vase, bowls and other types of pottery.
3.3. Music seemed to be an important part of their lives
3.3.1. Began as a series of pictograms.
3.3.2. To help keep track of these buisness transactions.
4. History of Photography
4.1. Konrad Zuse invented the first programmable computer
4.2. Univac was the first commercial computer
4.2.1. It was designed by John Preseper and John Mauchly IMB stands for international business machines
4.2.2. The letters stand for Universal Automatic Computer
5. The codex and the Illuminated Manuscript
5.1. Codexes were comapacted and were more sturdy than scrolls
5.2. Some scrolls were constructed with a long continuous piece of papyrus
5.2.1. Some were just rolled up and others had wooden rollers at each end
5.3. A codex is a covered and bound collection of handwritten pages
5.3.1. Parchment paper was invented which was made form animal skin
6. Hieroglyphics and The Egyptians
6.1. HIERO- means sacred
6.2. GLYPHICS- means engraving or writing
6.3. important to record and communicate info about religion and government
7. Phonetic Alphabet
7.1. It was given to many other alphabets including the Latin alphabet
7.2. One sign represents one spoken sound
7.3. Some believed it to be direct variation of hireroglyphics
7.3.1. Some thought it had ties with Cuneiform and the independent creation
7.4. Started with consonants
8. The Gutenberg Press
8.1. Johannes Gutenberg introduced modern book printing
8.2. A printing press is hand pressed in ink was rolled over the raised surface to movable hand-set letters held within a wooden frame
8.2.1. First movable type was developed in China