History of Visual Communications

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History of Visual Communications by Mind Map: History of Visual Communications

1. Cuneiform and Sumerians

1.1. Cuneiforms were made to record business transactions

1.2. Written on clay with wedged stylus

1.3. Sumerians were theocratic

1.4. Later invaded by Akkadians

1.5. Cuneiform

1.6. Sumerians

2. Hieroglyhics

2.1. Has Logographic and Alphabetic elements

2.2. Glyphic:Writing/Engraving

2.2.1. Hiero:Sacred

2.3. Deciphered by Jean Francois Champollion

2.4. Hieroglyphics

3. Codex and Illuminated Manuscript

3.1. Codex

3.2. Codex is a covered and bound collection of handwritten pages.

3.3. Was more compact, sturdy, and easier to use than scrolls

3.4. Illuminated Manuscript

3.4.1. Illuminated manuscripts are manuscripts with elaborate illustrations and ornamentation

3.4.2. Making these were very laborious

3.4.3. Many illuminated manuscripts were destroyed by invading armies who destroyed churches

4. Linotype Machine

4.1. Linotype Machine

4.2. Christopher Sholes invented the only typewriter that became succesful

4.2.1. He sent the typewriters to stenographers to test them

4.3. Clephane and his assistant tested it

4.3.1. They approached Mergenthaler to improve the typewriter, who suggested that type should be set mechanically rather than by hand

4.4. The newspaper industry changed as the linotype made it possible for a small number of operators to set type for more pages on a daily basis.

4.4.1. The first linotype machine was installed in a office of The New York Tribune

5. History of Computers

5.1. Konrad Zuse

5.1.1. Konrad Zuse invented the first freely programmable conputer


5.2.1. The first commercial computer was UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer

5.3. IBM developed the first high level programming language, Fortran.

5.4. The first computer game was the "Space War"

5.4.1. Space War

5.5. Douglas Engelbart invented the computer mouse

5.6. The first internet was called the ARPANET

5.7. Intel produced the first single chip microprocessor called "Intel 4004"

5.8. First "memory disk" called Floppy Disk was introduced by IBM

5.9. Bill Gates introduced the MS-DOS

5.10. Apple introduced "Lisa: the first computer to have a Graphical User Interface

6. Cave Paintings

6.1. cave paintings

6.2. Lascaux=The most famous site

6.2.1. Shut down to tourists because of C02 emission

6.3. Paintings of Bisons, deers, and hunting scene are common

7. Phonetic and Latin Alphabet

7.1. Phonetic Alphabet

7.1.1. Latin Alphabet Had serifs, which are finish offstrokes Also had baseline

7.2. Had ties with Cuneiform

7.3. Used only consonants

7.4. First widespread script that allowed common people to learn

8. Gutenberg Press

8.1. Johaness Gutenberg

8.1.1. Gutenberg Press First movable type system was developed in China Metal type that Gutenberg used was reproduced much more quickly than the wooden types Gutenberg used matrix, a metal punch hammered into a softer metal bar First book to be printed was the Bible Four major printing process utilized today Relieft Printing

9. History of Photography

9.1. Camera Obscura

9.2. 4th century camera obscuras were used by scientist to observe light

9.2.1. Camera obscura literally meant "Dark Chamber"

9.3. Word "Photography" originates from greek word light and writing

9.4. Joseph Niepce created the first successful photography

9.4.1. Niepce partnered with Louis Daguerre Louis Daguerre

9.5. Louis Daguerre invented Daguerreotype, which was an advanced way of photography back then.

9.6. Eastman invented a roll film

9.6.1. Eastman made a company named Kodak Eastman Company Eastman

9.7. Edward Muybridge developed zoopraxiscope, a device used to project a series of imaes in successive phases of motion

9.7.1. Muybridge