History of Visual Communications
by Alfredo Olivo

1. Hieroglyphics
1.1. Influenced by...
1.1.1. Sumerian Cuneiform
1.2. Hieroglyphic is derived from two Greek words. Hiero meaning sacred and glyphic meaning writing.
1.3. Temples
1.3.1. The walls of the temples were decorated to show respect to their gods.
1.4. Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor of France, and his army invaded Egypt in 1798. They discovered the Rosetta Stone.
1.4.1. The Rosetta Stone. A large stone with three different languages written on it. Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Demotic, and Greek
2. Cave Paintings
3. The Codex
4. The Printing Press
4.1. Gutenberg Press
4.2. Caxton
4.3. Lord Stanhope
5. Cuneiform
5.1. The Sumerians
5.1.1. 1. They were a theocratic culture 2. They were skilled artisans 3. Music was an important part of their life