by Michael Simmons
1. Trade
1.1. ASME
1.2. Manufacturing Institute
1.3. Energy Innovation Network
2. Industry
2.1. SBDC
2.2. National Association of Workforce Boards
2.3. National Association of Workforce Development Professionals
2.4. SSTI
2.5. Technology Councils of North America
2.6. Global Accelerator Network
2.7. National Business Incubation Association
2.8. National Crowdfunding Association
2.9. Crowdfunding Professional Association
2.10. Council on Competitiveness
2.11. Deskmag (Co-working)
3. Advocacy
3.1. Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council
3.2. NFIB
3.3. US Chamber of Commerce
3.4. Small Business Majority
3.5. National Small Business Association
3.6. Latino Coalition
4. Education
4.1. High School
4.1.1. Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education
4.1.2. Association for Career and Technical Education
4.2. College
4.2.1. National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance
4.2.2. Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers
4.2.3. United States Association of Small Business & Entrepreneurship
4.2.4. National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship
4.2.5. Ashoka U
4.2.6. Kern Entrepreneurship Education Network
4.2.7. Self Employment in the Arts
4.2.8. Small Business Institute